Planes, Trains and Wheelchairs

“My wheelchair is my monastery.” I read this in a book recently where the author quoted his Spiritual Director and I feel the truth of his statement. There are things that a life on wheels teaches you that you can never learn any way else. There is a closeness to God and intimacy birthed in suffering and disability that is so precious I barely even want to talk about it out loud. It is the place where the Scripture “He is near the broken- hearted “ is more than just words, but is embodied in the every ordinary day of my wheeling/crutch life. For me, this ol ‘ body and all of its needs has been a place where I’ve felt His Presence’s a sanctuary...a worship space and a place of being known uniquely and knowing God even more. You won’t understand it fully ! You also need to know that there are days where I ask God to heal me, days where the attack of the Enemy poke and accuse this place and days where the shame of it all could keep me a recluse for th...