So Long, Little Girl: A Pedaling Prayer Conversation

For too long, little girl ... 

you’ve let them define you.

For too long, little girl...

you’ve found your worth in meeting their needs and whether or not they loved you. For too long,  little girl you’ve stayed silent, hiding and unaware of the sins and even the good gifts I want you to see, to heal and to nurture in your life.

For too long , little girl ...

you’ve listened to the Enemy’s voice of shame that calls you weak, inadequate and unable.

For too long , little girl...

 you have hated your body—detaching yourself from it to push down it’s limits & passions. You’ve ignored  it’s pain and denied its unique , hope-for -redemption-like beauty. 

For too long, little girl... 

you’ve edited your emotions in order to be kind, flee conflict and keep the peace.

For too long, little girl...

you’ve built up others and cheered on their wants and dreams while yours were  unnamed, covered and diminished.

For too long, little girl...

you’ve peddled at everyone else’s pace...according to their power, position or approval. You made a habit of being afraid to make a mistake or even more believed yourself to be a mistake.

Now, little girl...

you are peddling with Me. I am your Good Shepherd. You can and are learning to hear and discern My voice above all the others.

Now you are a beautiful woman ...

who takes the lead under My gaze. 

Now you are a beautiful woman ...

who is aware of her fear and pedals hard into My courage.

Now you are a beautiful woman...

that is growing and leaning in to hard conversations and conflict instead of fleeing.

Now you are a beautiful woman...

 who lives authentically in her own body, loving it and having grace for all it’s limits. Taking stalk of what it eats, when it is tired and when it needs exercise. It is your beautiful jar of clay that needs care, touch and love.

Now you are a beautiful woman...

that sees emotion and the expression of it as a good thing. You lean in to tears, joy, grief, frustration & anger instead of keeping it inside. 

Now you are a beautiful woman ...

who has broken her silence and spoke out what is true. Your voice moves Me!

Now you are a beautiful woman...

who can name her dreams,hopes and desires without shame.

Now you are a beautiful single woman...

who does have a contribution to My Kingdom even if it looks Different than having a husband or a house full of children.

Now you are a beautiful woman...

who understands My design for whole relationships/friendships and recognizes her need for others yet is loving her own company and space.

Now you are a beautiful woman...

who can pedal on her own, ask for help when needed and not worry about other people’s pace. You’ve lived a false version of yourself before Me...and now layer upon layer of your masks are coming off ...and what I see is that beautiful woman wholly and truly being Dee.

 You’ve never been so close to Me...and our feet have never been so much in sync on My path for you! Keep pedaling, beautiful one—- even when it feels like I’m hiding around a corner or have left! Keep listening for My Voice of Fatherly approval. Keep feeling My hugs of Motherly nurture and keep receiving My kisses of Me being your most Intimate Lover! Please know I am here now and will be until the end. I AM at the start, in the middle and at the End and all of it is for glory and beauty. 


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