Wounded Bride: Trauma at Church

I woke up in the night with a picture of a bride walking her aisle wounded. Her white dress ruined by a bloody wound that needed tending to. She was visibly upset, but wasn't making a lot of noise actually. You see, her wound was not very visible from a distance. It was only as you got close that you could see little drops of blood on her back from a sword that cut her deeply. She had tried to cover it up with layers of cloth, but it was still bleeding through to her beautiful fairy tale gown. There were some that saw the blood and asked "What can I do to help?" There were some that stayed at a distance thinking all was well and good. Some began in anxious fear running for band aids, peroxides and ointments that would take care of the surface of the wound, but failed to go deep. Some even thought it good to take more swords and cut around the wound intending to see it clearer, but instead caused more damage. There even were peop...