No More Cancer

These are the words we heard beginning of January regarding my mom.  In mid-November we heard the opposite that she did have a cancerous tumour on her tongue. A surgery to remove it and reconstruct her tongue have left her with a positive recovery period and the gift of no more cancer.

Still today I know that there are those that are battling this disease I am praying for. Treatments, medications, pain, fatigue. All of it looking pretty grim. Why does God allow these things? I don’t really know and I will not speak for Him. I do have a quote that rolls around my heart from time to time: 

God permits what He hates to accomplish that which He loves” 

Although this quote doesn’t fully answer all the questions of suffering I believe it helps us ask what God loves. What does God love? Hearts that trust Him deeply in pain, healing of His children in His time and His way, a longing for us to know Him in spite of our suffering—just as He suffered on the cross. Yes, God loves to accomplish good things in our lives no matter what the circumstances. 

I wish there was another way to teach us things rather than sickness and suffering—and maybe some of it or all of it feels like cruelty to us some days. Can’t we just skip over the suffering, God? Yet there is something about letting life happen and accepting the journey that requires a brave courage.

*Deep breath *

And I know today that there are those reading this that have lost their Mom or their one to cancer. It feels like death won. What do I say to you? I’m so sorry and I love you. I also say hang on to hope because Jesus has made a way for us to live for a day when there will be no more cancer once for all! No more sadness, suffering or death. There will be a day when all will be well and God will be with us (See Revelation 21) and healing from all life’s sickness and struggles will be ours. There really will be no more cancer!


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