Changes of GLORY & BEAUTY

Tonight there are these God-breathed Words going through my mind as I sit and write this post: My soul waits only upon God, for my expectation (my longing,hope) is from Him.  I breathe in and think about the events of last week...I think about my restless heart, my tired moments & the moments of joy.

It has been a week since I sat in our staff meeting and prayed with excitement, but also with some fear of what is ahead of us in the New Year.  The Words "Be strong & courageous, fear not for I AM WITH YOU" filled my  lips and heart as we prayed for my brother/Executive Director as he announced to us that it is time for him to transition out of this role at YFC Portage in the coming year.  Initially, my heart sank & tears filled my eyes as again I face the thing the brings fear--CHANGE!   You see, this man is a man I hold in high honor...1 1/2 years ago he was JUST the man behind e-mails, and phone calls.  He now is a man that called out & believed in what God could do, supported me, prayed for me & in a lot of ways him and his sweet wife have become my "Portage Mom & Dad."  To be honest, this change scares the sugar out of me.  BUT then I took a deep breath....sat at the feet of Jesus & He said to me..."When has this ministry ever been about you..or even one man?"  Stop putting your expectations in the people in your life....I AM YOUR ROCK...WAIT ON ME!!" Ach!  So as I broke....and refocused again...I am excited for the Change of 2014!  Though I don't know what is ahead  for my Portage Parents and their family...I choose to let go!  I will pray & be behind them 10000000 %!  God is doing something new and I can't wait to see what it is!  
So like the butterfly who goes through change to bring out the beauty...I will walk through this...we as YFC team will walk through this.. knowing glory & beauty will come.  I will no longer struggle & fight it, but I will embrace it with courage and hope only in HIM!  (To my Portage Mom & Dad...I am praying & am thankful for you!  Be Courageous for HE is with you. I release you into HIS plan for your lives!)


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