I Can't Even Walk

I grew up a crazy PK!  And anyone who knows a Pastor knows that sometimes they ask you to do things and you just got to be ready! I was chatting with my Dad and he asked me to make a video of me singing a song for my church back home that has been heard around my house since I was little!  I usually shrink back when I get asked about singing a Southern Gospel song...I pretend I am too cool for it :) BUT  music has always connected me with the Father's heart! No matter what style if done out of a heart of worship can make me weep instantly!  I now understand those moments when my Dad or Gram would be listening to a song and there would be tears running down their faces.  I didn't get it then, but I do now!  Music takes us in to His Presence...it breaks down walls and reminds us that without Jesus we can't even walk!  So watch this video!  Be blessed and be a blessing!


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