Living His Wild Dream....2 years later!

Two years ago today I walked on the plane to move to Portage and join YFC!  I cannot believe it and am blown away by all that I have learned and all the gifts that God has put in my life.  I feel honored and completely blessed to be in this place.  A place that may seem small and insignificant to most, but I believe God is here...working in me, working in the community and working in the Youth for His glory!  
If you were to ask me to put into words what these two years have been like for me I would say, RISK, FAITH, DEPTH, SURRENDER, VULNERABILITY, BROKENNESS, BEAUTY, FEAR, LOVE, HOMESICKNESS, PROVISION, COMMUNITY, CHANGE, JOY & PRAYER!  These words describe in short most of this journey and I am still at peace knowing that I am living the dream God had for me from all eternity!
I do not ever want to forget all God has done in this so I will share a timeline of how this adventure started and how God has been so faithful:

  • January 2011 - Received a Job Alert from ministry employment site that YFC Portage was looking for a Female Youth Mentor & sent my resume.
  • January 2011-April 2011 - Prayed, waited, talked it over, had many phone conversations with YFC Portage Director.   
  • May 2011- Flew to Winnipeg with my Mom to see Portage and to put into real life what had been told  to me on the phone/email
  • May 2011-December 2011- Prayed even more; started praying for God to supply housing needs and mobility scooter.
  • December 2011- Started sending out newsletters to raise support and build a team of ministry partners
  • December 2011- God provided "Little Red" my very own scooter as a gift  from a family at my church in Nova Scotia!  (This blew me away as I had barely spoken out loud to anyone that I needed one except for my God).
  • February 2012 - My Executive Director & his wife came to Nova Scotia for the weekend to connect with my family, and be there for a special commissioning service MBC had for me.
  • April 2012 - Got word that an apartment building with a wheelchair accessible suite  was being built close to the YFC office...perfect for me!  (My boss was even on the committee who was involved in the building...God knew what He was doing)
  • May 3, 2012 - Walked on the plane, said so long to my family and sat in fear and excitement on my flight to Winnipeg

God has been so faithful!  I came here to see hearts changed in Youth for Jesus, but in it all the biggest change has been in me!  He has taken me deeper and challenged me in ways that would fill a million blog posts.  I just want to say Thank you...for praying, for crying, for letting me go, for loving, for giving me strength...for cheering me on!  This adventure with Jesus has been the hardest best thing, but His love that is so wild makes it worth it!  Thank you partners, thank you Youth of Portage, thank YFC family, but most of all Thank You Jesus--The ONE who died and gives me the power to live out this dream!  

Come away with Me, come away.
It's never too late, it's never too late, 
it's not too late for you.
I have a plan for you, I have a plan.
It's going to be wild, 
it's going to be great, 
it's going to be full of Me


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