Music: The Barrier Breaker & Story Teller

I stood by the couch and just took in the moment!  It was a pretty usual Monday night at the Factory Drop In.  We often pray over the night asking God to break in to conversation, pool games, etc. and prepare our hearts for the night. I love this time...I love our volunteers who come week after week & I love watching God use their gifts and abilities.  This one night was no different except one of our new volunteers carried in her guitar and in an instant there she was singing and playing with a whole group of teenagers sitting at her feet.  They were singing, laughing and making up lyrics without a care or thought of what people would think. The problems of their day, issues at home or with the parents faded as the melody and sound of music filled the room.  This hasn't been the first time in my life where God music to break down is a must in my world.  It definitely makes me cry, laugh and makes me want to dance...especially when it comes to lyrics that take me in to pouring out my love to my King Jesus!  And on that day in the Drop In, it made me love even more the way that music can speak louder sometimes than our own words!

David used music to cure the depressive, evil spirit of King Saul and many times in my day the music that I listen to in worship to Jesus causes me to lift my eyes and give praise above the situations that I find myself in!  Music is in the very heart of Father Zephaniah 3:17 it says ,
The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.

So music is a very powerful don't under estimate it!  I've seen it break down walls...and can draw you into a deep moment of true, real worship of Jesus...and if it doesn't check yourself on what kind of lyrics/music you let into your life.

**I've wanted for a long time to share this girl and her voice with you...she is a personal friend and God has used her song "Calling You" to speak to me!  It is a story of a broken girl...letting her know that God is calling her & pursuing a relationship with her! It hit my heart....hard!  Here's the link: 

 So turn up the music...breathe, sing and dance...for music brings JOY!


  1. Sweet song by Jessica Rachelle. Thanks for sharing her and thanks for sharing your beautiful heart!


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