A Prostitute in A Church Pew

A Prostitute in a Church Pew? You may wonder at my title and yet it is something that the Spirit has been poking my heart with lately.  We know the term prostitute as someone that sells her/his body in a sexual act for money.  We know this but I want you to think of it for this blog  in these terms: "someone who acts so they can earn someone's love and affection" Here is where the rubber meets the road for me...my heart is exposed and I realize who I am. I can act like the prostitute in a church pew...always doing so I can earn God's love and affection. Feeling useless or unworthy I feel sometimes as if I have to do things for fear of disappointing Jesus or people around me.

You see, all the things I do...the public and the private things I do in my relationship with my Lover Jesus Christ do NOT make Him love me more!  A lot of times growing up and still times to this day I feel unloved...like I never measure up or that I have to do all the "good Christian girl" things to make Him love me..to buy His affection or approval!  This is so WRONG!  My service, my time in Scripture, my worship is not some bargaining tool...I am not just created to be used, but to receive His love!  He loves me not for what I do, but for who I am! When I get to that place where I just open up my heart to receive His love I become full and therefore can do the things I do out of the overflow of His love.  I am learning how to let Him love me...so I can love...so I know that He loves me! Some of the sweetest times for me lately have been when I am not doing anything, but just sitting there letting Jesus love me! It is a beautiful thing...then I am no longer the 'Prostitute' in the church pew, but I am the LOVED and LOVER in the church pew.  It not of works that we can earn anything, but it His mercy that saves us and calls us loved! oh how I am enjoying being loved...and then loving Him back by the things I do!


***Inspired after reading "The Key to Enjoying God" by Ken Helser found in The Eighteen Inch Journey Devotional Book


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