Dear Good Little Church Girl...
Dear Good Little Church Girl. . .
You are found out! No more pretending! No more masks! No more hiding behind all your "saintly"tasks! You think that you can play the game...that everyone around you can't possibly know your hurt...your shame...your pain! Your pride...uh it lets you put up walls, but if you only knew that it is the cause of your falls! You are not alone and yet in your choices the consequences, you need to own! And before God as much as you hide, You are seen. Loved. Known!
I walk into church. I see you there and wonder what it would take for you to be done with fake! I look into your eyes and they scream 'Help Me Out!' But still you rush to your seat not wanting anyone to find you out!
To find out that really you struggle with sin...
To find out that your close walk with Jesus didn't ever really begin
To find out that instead of being proclaimed as "just a teen" you want to be heard, loved and to be invited in!
Invited in to a place that you feel safe to be honest and share what you are really thinking.
Invited to a place of no expectations of perfection, but a place of grace that makes us aim for holiness knowing Jesus sees us as perfect.
Invited to know and live out the Love of Jesus that calls you to live a higher, deeper life than the world tells you to.
Invited in to be prayed for and reminded that your sin was and is dealt with at the foot of the cross and was enough.
Invited in to remember that whether you've been hurt by church people or maybe even your own parents that YOU...and only YOU stand before God in your relationship with Him!
So I beg you because my heart aches for you,
Stop Coming to Church just for show!
Stop Coming to Church just to fill a row!
Stop Coming to Church to keep your heart on the" down low!"
Come to find Jesus and all He offers for the day to day vs. the 1 hr./week on Sundays. Oh girl, because you just gotta know that the four walls of a church is not the only place God can show.
Come to build trust towards the Body of Christ and know you don't struggle alone...realizing we all are imperfect and need Jesus.
Come to let go of past hurts and walk in freedom, healing and more of Jesus
Dear Good Little Church Girl, take off your mask with me and let's be real...let's be honest and let's be all that Jesus wants us to be!

I walk into church. I see you there and wonder what it would take for you to be done with fake! I look into your eyes and they scream 'Help Me Out!' But still you rush to your seat not wanting anyone to find you out!
To find out that really you struggle with sin...
To find out that your close walk with Jesus didn't ever really begin
To find out that instead of being proclaimed as "just a teen" you want to be heard, loved and to be invited in!
Invited in to a place that you feel safe to be honest and share what you are really thinking.
Invited to a place of no expectations of perfection, but a place of grace that makes us aim for holiness knowing Jesus sees us as perfect.
Invited to know and live out the Love of Jesus that calls you to live a higher, deeper life than the world tells you to.
Invited in to be prayed for and reminded that your sin was and is dealt with at the foot of the cross and was enough.
Invited in to remember that whether you've been hurt by church people or maybe even your own parents that YOU...and only YOU stand before God in your relationship with Him!
So I beg you because my heart aches for you,
Stop Coming to Church just for show!
Stop Coming to Church just to fill a row!
Stop Coming to Church to keep your heart on the" down low!"
Come to find Jesus and all He offers for the day to day vs. the 1 hr./week on Sundays. Oh girl, because you just gotta know that the four walls of a church is not the only place God can show.
Come to build trust towards the Body of Christ and know you don't struggle alone...realizing we all are imperfect and need Jesus.
Come to let go of past hurts and walk in freedom, healing and more of Jesus

Dear Good Little Church Girl, take off your mask with me and let's be real...let's be honest and let's be all that Jesus wants us to be!
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