"Livin' on a Prayer!" (Road Trip To NTBI Waukesha)

This past weekend I got to go away and get a change of scenery!  We drove across the border on a 13 hour road trip!  Our destination? New Tribes Bible Institute in Waukesha, Wisconsin for their "Catch the Vision" days!  This is when perspective students can visit the campus and hear the heart of God through the mission of New Tribes!

6 people who love the Lord...who are very different and yet share the same heart for Jesus,  similar music tastes and humor ventured out! We were really living on a prayer!     26 hrs. together in a car...and we all survived and are still friends!

We headed out at 2am on Thursday and made the treck!  We got to sit under Bible teaching on Friday in classes  and experience campus community!  We spent the evening after "Catch the Vision" by the waterfront in Milwaukee!  Saturday was a day spent walking around Millennium Park in Chicago and finished the day with a slice of authentic Chicago pizza!

Here are a few pictures at random...they are worth more than a thousand words:

Not the Ocean, but beautiful blue Lake Michigan
The Girls on the Millennium Park steps waiting for Brian 

NTBI Cafe, & a friend we met on the way
Friday Night in Milwaukee on the pier
Sometimes road trips bring out the crazy

The Bean in Chicago

 Our Fearless Captain Finding Rest


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