First Aide Courses & 4 Students

I woke up dreading the day mostly because I thought I knew what was coming! I sat in the quiet and asked the Lord to change my heart! I  rushed out the door trying to see the bright side of being at work a hour earlier! (Can you tell I'm not a morning person?!) It was 8am and we as a staff were required to take a First Aide Course.  I had been through this before...the instructor goes through the manual and then we do our practicing of CPR on an fake adult, child and baby! Yep, its pretty awkward for anybody and though I see its value, as a person with a limited, cerebral palsy-worn body it just is REALLY awkward and hard!

I  dreaded it because in previous courses the instructors seemed really insensitive in helping me follow through with trying my CPR...and maybe my own pride of not wanting to be different or singled out didn't help either!  I walked in with all of these memories and feelings of not be understood! BUT this time that prayer of that  attitude change before I left my apartment would be answered and Jesus would show me in a very unique way that He loved ME!

The Instructor took time that day to notice that the practical side of CPR wasn't going to be easy for me. She came directly to me,  stood there ,watched me struggle and then came down to my level and  asked me questions.  She instructed me on how to do CPR according to my weakness in my arms and body.  She looked me in the eye and said something like "How I can help you do this? Do what you CAN with what you have!"  My YFC family even helped during a lot of the maneuvers  and as usual made me find joy!    I was not alone and again in one of my humblest of moments I needed help and they were there.  Yes, it took me longer than the rest, but I did it!  

In the room that day. I was not just the "awkward, special needs kid " that someone felt sorry for, but I was a person who one awesome St. John Ambulance Instructor saw and empowered to not give up, but do whatever I could with the way I was wired  in order to "save a life." This is real physically in saving lives, but also spiritually!  The most exciting thing for me is to be that one who understands where people are they are uniquely gifted and to help them see that once they've been given life in Jesus that they can use what they have and bring His life to the people around them!

Not only did my Father in Heaven affirm that He saw me and knew what I needed that day, but I feel like that day speaks right now  into my season of leadership!  This summer I was called up into an overseer/mentor to our Summer Staff...and this has been a major growing thing!  I have loved this piece of the puzzle of my has challenged me, made me cry, made me laugh and feel and know maybe a bit more of what my heart beats to do...what His heart beats for me to do!  I love watching and seeing people rise up to love JESUS and serve Him with who they are!  I feel like the leader I am to be is one like Jesus that embodies the character of  that  First Aide Instructor.  She took time to understand me, was aware of the reality of my limitations, but called me to more and the purpose of saving a life.  She didn't ignore me or just feel sympathy, but she lead me to see that with help I could do it!  

This summer gave me a glimpse into what a powerful thing it is to come alongside, encourage, challenge and equip those people around me to "breathe life" into the people around them!  It is messy, awkward, slow, exciting & joyful..but it was worth it and lives were saved and will be saved because of it!  4 students became this for me in real life during Summer 2016  and I will never be the same!  I seriously have the hardest best job ever...and Jesus is the greatest!


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