Mentorship: An Invitation to Live Shoulder To Shoulder / Generation to Generation

My King has been calling me out of hiding...the quiet, shy me still feels the same and yet she is learning the powerful thing that it is to share the story of what He has being doing in my heart!  In this unraveling He calls me deeper and to things that are bigger than me!     I was asked to go back to Nova Scotia to speak at a Ladies Retreat on Thanksgiving Weekend!  I was blessed to retrace the journey of the 13 yr. old me and visit with ladies and a dear friend and a mentor.  I am grateful that my YFC Portage family released me to do this and that they celebrate the ways that God has been gifting me and using me!  I am undone and so honored that HE would choose me...and bless me with the precious sisters in the Body!  20+ ladies gathered at a beautiful camp on a lake...and I am thankful for each of them.  Jesus even smiled on us by giving us nice weather to do some of our sessions outside "at the foot of the cross" in  the outside chapel!  A beautiful gathering with beautiful people...and a even more beautiful Jesus!

The theme was "Thanks For Giving" and I was able to share on Mentorship being an invitation from the King who invites us to pour into others... shoulder -to-shoulder and generation to generation.  It was a huge privilege to also let my two homes collide as I got to bring my friend/mentor from here in Portage to speak and pray alongside me!  PHEW!  (Messy Tears) 

Then to give thanks with my family and celebrate my parents and their 10th anniversary of pastoring their church!  I can't even tell here are a few pictures!  A weekend of a lot of energy, heart sharing, coffee, ocean viewing, joy  and Jesus...He held it all together and gave this feeble voice freedom!  He is KING!

Shoulder -to- Shoulder Prayer of Blessing & Strength
(My Mom & Two of my Mentors)

My Portage Friend got to see the Bluenose side of me
A lady who saw what Jesus was doing in me and has prayed for me since I was 13.  LOVE HER!

Mentorship can also be a peer relationship...and this one has been a gift even from a distance

Mentorship is an is long...hard...scary...risky and beautiful!  This is what He invites us to:

I- INTIMACY with Jesus and others 


V - VULNERABILITY...embrace the messy and reality of your own brokenness

I - IMITATE JESUS...not other people

T - TRUTH SPEAK... even when it’s hard
E - EXPECT  from them and ENCOURAGE more from them than what you could ever do

Will you accept the invitation from the King to give your life to another life?


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