Yet To Be Princesses

In my office now sits a blue, sparkly prom gown.  It has been “decorating” my office since our  summer garage sale.  It sits there waiting for a girl to put it embrace it as her own.  She soon I hope will trade her worn out, tattered sweaters and Lulu lemons for this Princess gown.  

When I think about this dress it hits me on a deeper level. I see faces of girls at the Drop In,  faces I pass in school hallways and faces that come to small groups.  God the Father, our King created them for royalty and all they have to do is turn their sin, torn garments in for the royal robes of His righteousness.  They will then be the Princesses that He created them to be.  My role at YFC has me standing by calling and waiting for them to embrace the clothes of the King’s royalty that each girl was created for.

One of these 'yet to be Princesses' walked a dark road this summer.  I got a message one Monday night saying that she was just released from the hospital in Winnipeg the night before.  She had taken pills and wanted to die.  Her family didn’t come to see her...and felt like she had no support. She trusted me enough to let me into the darkness with her...and to give her HOPE!

I made arrangements to meet her the next day at her house.  With a Jones soda and a bag of cotton candy in hand, I went to her reminding myself that Jesus was enough for me and this girl!

I sat with her in her basement for around two hours...listening!  I prayed, talked and hugged her and left!  

I never saw the miraculous transformation of this girl that day, but I do count it a privilege to be used of Jesus and come alongside the Youth of Portage.  I sit, walk, talk, listen and wait for some beautiful girls that are dressed in shame, sin and darkness to give their old garments to Jesus and clothe themselves in the Princess royal garments they were created for.

I am believing that our city will be full of daughters of the King fully clothed in Him.


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