My Big Sister Eye View: The Be-ers and The Do-ers

My YFC family teaches me! Here's what I  mean: Instagram post April 09/17

He's a Do-er I'm a Be-er! He gets energy by hitting up local basketball courts, soccer fields, hockey arenas and forests looking to hunt some wild animal like a bushman. I, however get energy by sitting down, hearing people's stories, writing and sipping hot beverages. He laughs, I cry! I like to plan...he likes to carry it out! Does this mean we have to change ourselves in order to work together? No not even, bro! It does mean knowing what we are good and not so good at. It does mean challenging each other to grow. It does mean not trying to make him like me. It means humbling ourselves and recognizing when we need each other.  When the task-oriented and the be-oriented learn how to work together and not against each is a hard, but beautiful thing. And at the end of the day we honor each other and learn it's not about him or's about our King!
#Kingdomlearningandliving #yfcsibs #mybigsistereyeview #livingasthebodyofchrist #unitydoesnotmeanuniformity #thebeandthedocometogether #processingthejourney #yfcportagelittlebrother #heswriting #justkiddinghesfillingoutascoresheetforatournament


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