A Prayer for Justice

I recently listened to some teaching on what Scripture says about God’s view on justice. I have been letting these thoughts roll over my soul and realize in me the groaning for true, Godly justice is so real! Most  often I respond compassionately in the middle of the world's injustices even as I wrestle with anger and thoughts of “It’s just NOT supposed to be this way!” Whether the injustices are up close and personal or you see the grossness of injustice systemically...all of it is sinful, ugly and has a schemer behind it that has been out to destroy from the beginning. And to realize that some of the barriers and injustices are things that we as humans cannot remove in our own clever thinking or strength. *Deep breaths* I however am a receiver of mercy and am on the side of the One who sets all things right and came and walked His own journey of being mistreated to save, heal and set the captives free. He is King and invites me into partnership to pray, act and speak His Justice into the places He has me. I and you, friend can  experience in the now what is yet to come when my just Jesus will reign and all will truly be well!

Here's some notes on what's been rolling around in my heart and prayer space on justice:

Justice: a setting things right. Equitable treatment; protection; all held to the same law; giving people what they are due whether it is punishment or protection 

Jesus embodied Justice...do I?

And so in prayer I ask these questions....

What does it mean to have workplaces, churches and communities that live the principle of this picture? What does it mean for those of us with privilege to carry it well?  Would the Spirit of God move us to help Him remove barriers so that all can belong and live in the freedom of being the image bearers of God...no matter race, gender, ability and social status? What does it look like to sit in stories of injustice and remind ourselves that there may be a bigger evil happening with an Enemy behind it who’s goal is always to enslave, oppress and keep people powerless? Can we sit on days when it all feels overwhelming and believe for the Day when Jesus will truly make all things well?  What would it look like for me to know I am a blood redeemed woman of the King who is loved and then partner with Him in my listening, in my silences, in my gifts, voice and pen to bring  others hope,  Shalom  and a reason to dance? What then? Every longing fulfilled, every wrong punished and made right? 

Oh let it be...Your Kingdom now and forever Amen 


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