Let It Breathe: Covid 19 Thoughts

Here’s a few jumbled thoughts that bubbled over  on an Instagram post aka my mini blog space. I  have been doing some reading/prayer on discernment and decision making. I also have sat as well in conversation with people (via video or phone)  where fear has been so real. So here's some thoughts that are deeper than a tattoo on my skin, but real to my soul in these days.  

"Permission to acknowledge fear and live in questions is not the norm, but truly leads to peace.Some of us have been taught that if we are afraid or have questions that we are bad and ‘not a good Christian .’ My experience has been when I push it down and ‘put on face’ it only makes it worse. If you’re afraid —-say it and pray it...if you are worried —-say it and pray it...if you are anxious about unknowns—-say it and pray it. If you have more questions than answers talk about them when you pray. Don’t just be a good Christian...be a real Christian and don’t shame yourself or others for being afraid!  Let’s realize these words that a wise friend texted to me this week :

 “Fear sometimes shows us how deep our desires really are... that we would be so afraid of them being unfulfilled means they are important and significant to us.

 So as you’re fearing for your health, finances, family and food supply these days it’s ok to say “I’m afraid ...” before rushing to the “Do not fear...” We want to get there, but for most of us the fear has to be uncovered—given space to breathe and spoken of first. Then we’ll come to the end of ourselves and be open to receive the peace of God —His Presence that is peace. It takes practice, but we’ll get there. Praying and for you, people of the world. Let’s pray and let Heaven do what we cannot possibly do for ourselves."


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