Come Away: Practicing Solitude
A few years ago I went on a retreat week. Youth For Christ Canada has a retreat centre for its staff in beautiful BC! Before that time I had been coming to understand the need for my soul to carve space to “come away” for weekends of rest and solitude. It has become a way to tend and pay attention to the things of God and my soul’s relationship to Him like nothing else ever has. I tune out the noise of work, expectations, obligations and needs and be still. “Coming away” doesn’t always mean I’d leave town. Sometimes it means me, a pen, a bible, a book and journal in a room or park corner over a couple of days. Sometimes it means doing a fun, playful thing like dinner and a movie. Most times I cannot say that it’s been an earth shattering experience to practice this. To be honest there are times that I don’t want to be alone or even meet God in rest. This past chunk of the year actually has been hard to pay attention to that need. However in solitude there have been many moments of undoing, of recognition of my desires and just plain enjoyment of communication with the One my soul loves over these weekends. My only part is saying Yes to my God’s invitation and most times I’ve felt it enough just to show up for them. So back to my story... I signed up for a guided retreat for a few days in Honeymoon Bay and this time I was actually resting by getting away. What a treat to spend a few days by water, smelling the forests of BC and having food made for you! It also was really vulnerable as it always is to open my soul up to God in this way. The retreat and carefully carved out plans are not the is just...the bridge to knowing God.
Besides all the environmental and scenic things that grabbed my attention I was moved by the gift of my fellow YFC colleagues at that time to facilitate space, discussion and prayer exercises that would refresh us. It was ok to nap, take a walk or even be late for a meeting if that’s what would cause you to feel unpressured and unhurried. Spiritual Direction Sessions were offered as you felt your need and there was lots of time for reading, walks, reflection and visiting the ocean.
In this particular week during some time alone my God asked me a very poignant question that has had me discovering and knowing Him in a way I have never known before. Yep, solitude spaces are intimate settings where we learn to come out of hiding. He asked me a question like “Who owns you?” I am trembling even as my fingers type because that question has shaped and formed me over the last few years even after leaving YFC.
I, since then have been with Spirit’s help discerning who or what people and systems I have let own me. There’s been a stripping away of the false things and idols. Some of it too was an affirmation of the good, true things I had built my life around. Here I am years later different because I want to be a woman who is aware of who or what she allows to own her life as she partners and leads under God.
3 Last Things to think about:
- Do you make space for God? You may not need many weekends of solitude, but your relationship with God suffers distance and dryness in the same way a love relationship does if you don’t take time to tend it. I also want to say that different life seasons allow for solitude easier than others. I understand if you are a parent and have a family that life may not allow for long periods of time to be in your own God's gaze. However, take moments, arrange childcare, friends. Even a hour with Him is so valuable and precious...even if it is taking a walk or nap.
- God wants to whisper things to you and ask you questions that will be different than the ones He’s asking of me? Will you accept His invitation to come away and hear? How much do you love to hear His voice?
- *Plug for HMB and retreat centeres in general*
I wonder what He will show you if you just show up!?
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