Breath Space: A Reflection of Spiritual Direction

My understanding of Spiritual Direction has been flowering over the last 5 years. In the middle of my years in full-time ministry with YFC I began to sense in my own soul a disconnect between the outer work of who I was expected to be versus who I was made to be. I was on the edge of burnout. I was tired after years of offering compassion and care to others. I felt a longing in me to tend an intimate connection with God. I longed for a listening space--- a listening person with God. A space that was different than counselling (though it could be coupled with it) and something that my church community couldn't seem to offer me at the time. This would become a space that would give me permission to express my deep pains, joys, dreams, questions and tears without fear of being analyzed or fixed...or even slated as a Christian leader who was weak and not' living in victory'.

A dear friend heard this underlying desire and committed to meeting with me in a mentorship/spiritual director- like role and God's Spirit has transformed and changed me through our monthly sitting together. It has become a hour space on my calandar that is just like taking a deep breath for my soul. It is me, her and God's Spirit coming together to foster a deeper communion with God. There's no agenda and a whole lot of noticing, listening and space for God to move me and do His work.

I have been travelling a long, hard, journey and the ministry of Spiritual Direction has offered me a "refreshing drink" through the care and companionship of a fellow traveller along the Way. It has been a "thin, grace-filled space of healing" in my spiritual life and I am marked forever because of it. These hours have had me diving deep into being God's Beloved, entering in to Christ's Suffering & Resurrection and my false views of God's character and heart. I have cultivated discernment through life transitions & decisions. I've noticed gifts, unbelief, hurts and desires in my life. I have understood my unique call to God's eternal Kingdom. I have also been pulled into close communion with God through slow, meditative prayer and ways of engaging God in Scripture, understanding work to flow from Sabbath rest and “recalling the Presence of God” in the ordinary every day things. Spiritual Direction has shown me what it means to dance to a rhythm of God's Voice and leading in my life even in the midst of all the other voices that shout for me to follow their dance steps.

These hours have been so transformative and have birthed in me a desire to offer this ministry to tired, busy people around me. It took me a little bit more learning/discernment/wandering to get here, but I began my journey into Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction and I just finished Year One! Hallelujah!
In short,

It's about PRESENCE...

Spiritual Direction is a way of being with you to help you listen, look and become aware of God's Presence in your life.

I have danced around many circles of busy, productive living and ministry. I have known these things in my own soul too. The ministry of Spiritual Direction invites you to a reflective time of unhurried, peaceful, quiet prayerful space. It invites you to say out loud some of your deepest fears, questions, doubts and joys. It allows for some of our most vulnerable hurts and pains to breathe in a way that doesn't try try to manipulate or fix us.God is trusted to be the healer as the Director open-handedly listens and hears the directees story. It is an arm of spiritual care that I believe is vital to the health of an individual and the bigger Body of Christ.
Spiritual Direction invites men and women who desire to know God intimately in their every day life. It is ongoing care for your soul whether you are a leader or not, in crisis or not, discerning or decided. It is for YOU--- if you are ready to see and know God and be transformed!
A one-hour session usually starts with prayer and silence after which the directee will break the silence with what she/he feels God is bringing to the heart's surface. As a Director, our "job" will not be to direct you in a way that gives advice or suggestions. Our role is to listen and "direct" you towards God and His leading in your life and experience. There is no preparation or obligation! No step by step plan, no formula! Sessions can, but may not always include reflections on Scripture, Gospel stories and book readings as lead by the Holy Spirit. It will be a space held for you to come as you are, be who you are and allow God to help you become all you are to be. Offerings of wonder, tears, anger, laughter, silence, yawns and "I don't knows" and mess are so welcome.

  • If you are interested in pastoral care/shepherding and want to learn how to care for souls around you through Spiritual Direction--my dear friend and teacher (Suhail Stephen) is starting another school for Spiritual Directors this fall in Winnipeg, MB. CONTACT/SEE INFO HERE
  • I am  still in training and not certified yet but  would LOVE to invite a couple more people to be some of my directees as I practice and learn in Year 2 starting in Fall 2020.  Please contact me through email or private message if you feel a nudge to be ministered to/help me practice as a student  in this way via phone or video call.
  • Also, the people in the above photo are some of the most beautiful, trustworthy, 'normal'  leaders and pastors around.  They carry with them a rich, deep love for ministry and people...they are also just really human and so fun.  I would recommend their care to you any day.  They are pretty great classmates and will be continuing the journey through year 2, God willing.  It will be fun!


  1. I love your love of spiritual direction, dear friend. :)


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