The Three

 I could sound very academic and spout off terms to you like "Theology, Christology and Pneumatology.” I love to explore, discover and learn about all of these things and a decade ago when I sat in classrooms and wrote exams on these big words I felt smart, successful and like I had this Christian thing all settled.  Even though I grew up in church and went to a college that believed these things on paper, I barely remember sermons, lectures or in depth questions and discussions around our  personal relationship and experience to the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.  It is not my intention in this blog post to to describe the Holy Three in detail. I mean Church Fathers and Mothers have discussed, written and argued about it all for years...and now I think a healthy faith leaves room for God to mystify us and be indescribable in the very best way.  However, what I do believe as a Christian is that our GOD is ONE that expresses in Three distinct Persons...the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Each Person in the Godhead relates and works in union with the other. They are in unity and yet have different, distinct parts to play in their role as HOLY God. They COEXIST, are interdependent and each are unique and a  most holy and high expression of God.  I can't grasp it fully...and am in wonder forever ---always knowing and wanting to be with this God I love....and worship still in all that stands unclear!


Why is this so important on my blog post tonight?

The other day a "companion on the Way" was praying for me.  She is a woman that has walked with me through many years of learning to fly with my own wings.  We often chat about what it means to live well and in  community/relationship to others even in this owning and differentiation of self. Sometimes our conversations sound very much like therapy, spiritual direction, friendship and theology  all mixed together. It’s a very beautiful over the screen  journey we travel together...and we’re also just super aware that we don’t know as much as we think we do! Realization of our pride makes us laugh often and leads to honest confession most times in our visits together. Our last hour visit of 2020 ended in prayer and included the imagery of the Trinity being in unity, but distinct and different from one another in their Persons.  It resonated with me because I have been praying through, reflecting on, and singing songs on my PERSONAL draw to each Person of the HOLY Trinity.  I also am forming new friendships in leadership and community and it is important for me to keep shedding the old 'skins' of codependence and learn interdependence as I lead and love people.  I want to 'do me' well before God and learn to show up with my own unique authority, work and role to play in the circle of His Kingdom and Friendship.  The TRINITY has pictured TRUE LOVE and UNITY well...and I want to learn and fall in love with GOD.  I want to learn and fall in love with others in GOD.  

So this Holy Three?  I hope they have become more than words on paper that make me look smart in Theology class.  I hope they have become more than just important doctrines.  I pray these HOLY THREE make me bow in worship and keep me living daily in friendship with God and the people around me.  It's more than class's experiencing God in every day ordinary holy living!

In the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit....AMEN!


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