Ascension Thoughts: Upward, Horizontal & Global Gazing

The Ascension

Acts 1:

 And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were watching, and a cloud took Him up, out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, then behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them,  and they said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”

"...why do you stand looking into the sky? "

This question hit me when I read it---it hit me real hard!  Like a "Ahha!" moment!  I have been stirred to consider and ask questions about what to focus on!  How should I focus my time and energy in my own vocation---in my community---and in the world?  My love for one-on-one intimate times of solitude and prayer feel like home and a sure place for me!  Still if it was just about MY own relationship with God without any movement outward then I think the question at the above Ascension scene could be asked of me.  It's not just about what God is doing in me or basking in His loving gaze for hours alone---though those moments are beautiful and grounding.  I believe that moments  like them shouldn't just stop with the individual who is loved in the gaze of God!  Moments in prayer when our 'eyes' meet and our faces lock into focus---loving each other even when the raw, real sins are uncovered have become very precious and powerful for me!    I believe though that these times were always, always always meant to move the lover outward!  That's how Jesus meant it...the disciples and apostles were sent out after an encounter with Jesus--after He left them!  Ughh I cringe even as I write these lines because I want to keep all the lovely, sweet intimate moments I have had with God to myself.  I want to keep all the people I have loved on the Way to myself and never let them go or grow, but that just makes us all unhealthy and makes us into over indulgent lovers of the Father, Son and Spirit without sharing what we have received.  So today there is much pain, questions, unsure things,  mixed with much joy, laughter and celebration in my life, in my city and around the world!  The question that I have for me and us as people of God---is why are we standing looking upward into heaven always when we need to move our gaze horizontally to see our neighbor who is suffering, lonely and in need? Why are we standing looking upward when there is global suffering, violence and death?  Always always these things must call us to look up to our God, but just like the disciples that saw Jesus leave and were moved to stop looking up, so we too need to have moments when our gaze is lowered and we see how to bring light and life in front of us and around the world that comes straight out of moments of that upward two-way gaze.  May I— may we be a people of the upward, horizontal and global gaze!


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