In the shade of the Tree


I am always taking time to notice trees.  I  have paid attention to them in each season. It helps now too that I  live in a  beautiful city that seems to have streets that are shaded by them.  Also,  I am drawn to look out and consider them when I am in silent prayer.  This week it seems trees are coming to the forefront again!  I gave Sunday's homily on the Gospel Parable  where the  mustard seed becomes a tree where birds nest in it to find shade.  I was also drawn to look at a tree because my parents are moving from a home they have lived in for several years!  My youngest brother sent us all the above video of the big, lush tree that will no longer be the one that we or the grandkids linger at for family photos.  (Sorry, not sorry for the Stearns' sentimental sap!) 😉   So yes, it seems  the trees are shimmering for me  these days!  Even this morning my Scripture reading drew me to Revelation 22 when there will be restoration back to Eden and the tree of life will have leaves that are for the healing of nations! 

I sense in these days of summer with swirling pandemic restrictions, distance from loved ones and a whole wack of unknowns  that there may be a drawing for us to  sit under a tree and rest awhile! Sit under a tree and think about nothing---sit under a tree and take a nap---sit under a tree and read a book ---sit under a tree and have a picnic or just sit in silent contemplation!?  I dare you to do it 😊

I am super grateful that life gives us seasons/rhythms of seed preparation, death and life and  that beauty and wonder can be reflected on by noticing trees. My Jesus can be imagined as the Tree that we find, life, hope and healing in, dear ones!  He is the Seed that was sown that was raised to give flourishing, abundant life to us!

Creation really does declare the glory of God to us, huh?

So if you find yourself like me in a changing of or a new season or  maybe even like the Prophet Elijah who felt depressed & discouraged under a  Juniper tree (See Story I Kings 19)---look at the trees, friend!  Rest in the shade of the TREE-Jesus and find all you need to be refreshed and made strong!  


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