More Than These

 I’ve been sitting in the Scriptures of Jesus before His ascension and before Pentecost. Jesus was sitting on the shore after a fish breakfast. As I reflect on it I can’t get His question to Peter out of my heart. The question is 

“Do you love me more than these…?”

 Times in my life I remember this question pulling me back to a devoted love of God. It has pulled me away from my family becoming more, my friends becoming more and even my ministry becoming more to me than the love ofJesus Himself. It pulled me towards a deeper love of God, my family and ministry. It has put in me a desire for a deep alignment with heart of God and the things of His kingdom.It seems with this question Jesus was pulling Peter back into love alignment after his denials at the crucifixion and prepared him for his ministry as an apostle in which he would literally give his life for following Jesus.

I’m not as uncomfortable with this question as I once was, but I can tell you it still hits me deeply.

My more has often lead to a lesser love of God and although it is not wrong to love my family, friends even my ministry at times I know that my love and affection was always meant first for God.

What is your more? What are the things or people that keep your heart from devotion to Your First love? Maybe for you in this season devotion does mean that you do turn to that person, ministry or family. Maybe the invitation from God is that you do love them. The love of God calls us away from things, but know friend it also calls us toward good things too.

Maybe there’s something else about this passage or question that you are drawn to. Feel free to comment or write me a message about it. My prayer as you read this would be that you reflect on what you love more than God and have a conversation with Him about that. He loves you and wants to sit with you in all the things.

Do you love Him more than these?


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