The Truth (even when it hurts)

 Some years ago I had a friend who I was interested in pursuing a deeper, dating relationship with. I’m not usually so forward with my feelings, but I knew he was a guy that hit many of the characteristics I had prayed for in a spouse. So what did I do? I prayed and prayed, I talked it over with a trusted friend and finally discerned that I would need to initiate a conversation with him that would clarify if he wanted that deeper relationship too. 

I was told the truth. He couldn’t date me. We then had a brief awkward conversation about how I maybe had the wrong idea and how he had lead me on emotionally. He left the conversation promising to restore his brotherhood to me and then we left.

Phew. Ouch! I cried and I cried, but to this day I am glad someone was able to be truthful enough with me even if it meant I’d be hurt. 

To be honest I don’t usually want to have conversations that risk my comfort and my heart so much, but I’d rather live with what is true than live in a false way.

I value trust and integrity in relationships so much that I was willing to hear the truth and let it shape my decisions around that season of my life.

I want to be a true woman. Faithful in her dealings and honest. I wish I could say that it gets easier to confront what is true, but since then there has been a few more different instances (of the non-dating kind) where what is true has been hard to receive and reconcile with. I’m grateful for the healing balm of the Holy Spirit in my life. He tells me things and discerns with me what is true. Truth hurts sometimes yes, but also brings clarity and a sure anchor when times get tough. 

I pray that if you read this God will give the grace to see and say what is true. I pray you find the courage to heal and let what is true be an invitation for more of God in your life…for that is worth more than anything.


  1. Beautifully expressed, Deanna. And speaking from experience, those hard "no"s always mean God has a bigger YES! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ’ž


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