Advent: The Three Comings

 Advent season is almost here. In the last years it has been helpful for my own formation to reflect on the three comings of God. His first being Jesus coming in flesh as a baby. Second, how He comes to us by His Spirit now in our lives and in the world and lastly when He will return as King reigning in justice and compassion—we will see Him face to face. 

It is in these 3 comings that I rehear the promise of Emmanuel—God with us. I become more aware and long for His presence even now and feel again the groan with creation for a God who will come finally and make all things right.

I haven’t always celebrated advent but for me taking time to reflect and journey through has made my celebration of Christmas deeper and more true. I wait with more anticipation and Hope than before. I understand waiting better and the moments of “joy to the world” seem fuller and richer.

If you are done with the hustle and bustle and the stress of the Christmas season, perhaps God would invite you to an advent journey focusing on the 3 comings. Maybe you’ll find your own advent readings. Whatever you do—know that you can find Hope in Christ who came, comes and is coming. 

Joy to you, friend! May He be with you, in you and through you this season 


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