I'll miss you....

The past weekend I got to spend time with some friends that I met at a camp in the South Shore of Nova Scotia!  I know that it is by no accident that they were put into my life those many years ago...they are some of the biggest encouragers & prayer supporters in my life.  Whenever we have been together I always come away refreshed & strengthened spiritually.

I walked into the home where I was staying & there on the wall hung a huge sign that said "We'll miss you" & I had to bite my lip to hold back the tears as they placed my brand new crutches in my hands.  This is how they chose to support me & hold me up :) as I begin my ministry with YFC...and all I could think was Thank You Lord for these gifts--my friends!

We then took the next day & went to visit places that I would not get to see out in Manitoba....we went to the beach!! Yes, it was COLD, but sunny and yet again as we took pictures & took in the beautiful ocean scene...I thought Thank You, God for these gifts.  From there we went to the camp that we met at so many years ago & walked around....& again I was overwhelmed & thankful for this special place in my life where God became  more real to me & where I met some people who would impact my life forever!
As our weekend came to a close...& we started to say our farewells....these friends gathered around me & prayed for me!!  Tears began to form in my eyes (and I had to bite my lip even harder) as I heard them pray & commit me into God's hands.  It was a moment that I will never forget & again I thanked God for these 'gifts' in my life!!  Yes, they may miss me...but oh I'll miss them!

God, Thank YOU for these friends, memories & gifts that only show us how good YOU are!

Here's a song for my friends:  You Got me & Jesus:  http://youtu.be/8OzzywdDozo


  1. You are such an encouragement to us, and yes we are going to miss you greatly but we know that you are continue to do great things for God, by serving Him. Its so amazing how God brings a special person into your life, and at the time you have no idea what great things will come from that one moment, Friendship for Life. You will always be in our prayers and we look forward to seeing you again, whenever that will be. You are always welcome. I love ya Dee xoxoxoxo


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