All the single ladies...BE HIS GIRL FIRST!

I have  had a  few conversations this week about being single & though this is a season in my life that I pray will not last forever, I can't help, but be happy.  So many of us (yes, I'll include myself too) dream about having the perfect guy...our Mr. Darcy, our Romeo, our Prince Charming.  We journal about it, chat with our friends about it, some of us even obsess about it!  Still, when the movies are over, the ink runs dry & we've been a bridesmaid or a guest at what seems like our thousandth wedding we need to stay focused!  Focused on our First Love!  Everything we desire in a husband God already freely give us:  Here's what He says to us:
I say...
I want to be loved.
God says...
“I have loved you with an everlasting love…” Jeremiah 31:3
I say...
I want someone to adore me.
God says...
The King has brought me into his chambers to adore me. (Song 1:4)
I say...
I want someone to hold my hand.
God says...
“I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Is. 41:10)
I say...
 I want to be accepted and valued.
God says...
I am accepted in the Beloved (Eph. 1:6. KJV)
I say...
 I want a place, a nesting place that is my own to create and use.
God says...
We can rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (Ps. 91:1)
I say...
 I want help in my days of trouble.
God says...
“And call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you…” (Ps. 50:15)
I say...
I want to share my life – the joys and the struggles – with one person.
God says...
God will share with me the treasures of darkness and hidden riches. (Is. 45:3)
I say...
I want a champion of my causes – one who is willing to fight for me.
God says...
The Lord will fight for you. (Ex. 14:14)
I say...
 I want someone to meet my needs.
God says...
God is meeting all my needs. (Phil. 4:19)
I say...
 I want intimacy.
God says...
The Lord is intimate with the upright. (Ps. 140:13)
I say...
 I want someone to help me in my life.
God says...
There is no one like God who rides the heavens to help you. (Deut. 33:26)
I say...
I want to walk through life sustained and carried. I don’t want the whole load of life.
God says...
Even to my old age, God will sustain me, carry me, and rescue me. (Is. 46:4)
I say...
I want a companion for this life.
God says...
God invites us to humbly walk with Him. (Mic. 6:8)
I say...
 I desire children.
God says...
God gives us spiritual children like the numberless grains of sand if we invest in lives. (Is. 48:19)
***adapted from Beverley Seward Brandon

God longs to be your Completer, Your everything way before your Mr. Darcy.....Give Him your heart & watch Him change it into what it needs to be until that day that you become one with another.  BE HIS GIRL FIRST! 


  1. Your words always encourage me! Miss you lil' sister!
    I thank God everyday for blessing my with my awesome wife!
    I'll always say the most important guest at our wedding was God...we sent his invitation first.... you wouldn't believe the cost of postage but it was worth every bit!
    Okay kidding about the last part!


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