Stuck in A Rut...Life Lessons with Big Blue

Last Thursday I was scootering back from PCI (the High School) here in Portage to the YFC office.  I was enjoying my drive on 'Big Blue' singing as the wind blew through my hair! (haha sounds like a movie doesn't it?) I came to Tupper Street, then BAM....I got stuck in a rut.  The slush & snow had melted then hardened into a ginormous RUT & here I was stuck in between two sections of the sidewalk.  This was no movie...I was stuck!! I tried going forward my wheels spun , I tried going back and I was just movement!!  I quickly took off my mitt to grab my cell phone, then a lady came out of the building I was in front of & said, "Can I help you?"  In that moment, all feelings of pride had to go...if I said "No, I can do it MYSELF!" then I probably would still be stuck!  I said "Yes, could you just give me a pull out of this huge rut I am in." She tried, but had to go get help...every worker in that office then came rushing out to help this scooter driving woman get unstuck and all it took was one shove.  I was free to go more silly hard snow holding me back!

I think sometimes God puts me in the 'rut' moments to show me things. Here are two things I thought of:
1). This moment reminded me of my need for a relationship with God.  God wants a relationship with me-- that is what He created me for . My sin was like that rut between the sections of blocked me from getting to God & having a relationship with Him. Still God sent Jesus to this world to die to make me free & clean from that sin,  so I could have a relationship with God,  He (Jesus) is the One Mediator  (peacemaker; negotiator) between man & God (I Timothy 2:5)  Just like those women who came and gave me a push to be free from that rut so Jesus came to make me free from sin...we all need this freedom--this cleansing because God wants that relationship with us.  He adores us...loves us too much to leave us in our rut of sin & death.  Once we choose Jesus believing that His blood is enough, we can live in guilt of sin!  
2) This moment also reminded me of living life in relationship with God.  After we choose to follow Jesus and are saved from sin it doesn't always mean life will be easy. We are in a battle & Satan God's enemy loves to make us stuck.  We sometimes get stuck in 'ruts' of  fear discouragement, lonliness,  etc. but we need to ask for help!   We need to cry out to God  first because He cares...oh how He cares & we need our sisters & brothers in Christ.  We as the Body of Christ were not meant to live in isolation with a "I can do it MYSELF" attitude.  We need to pray, encourage, cry with, laugh with & 'push each other' out of these ruts in our lives so we can  crawl, walk, run, dance, or in my case scoot in VICTORY with Jesus!  
So these are my lessons that I am learning from driving  my scooter Big Blue :)


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