"Little Girl, LIVE!"

 "Little girl, LIVE!" is a phrase that I heard a few weeks ago as I listened to a testimony of a woman who as a child was thrown down a well and left for dead. It was this phrase that her rescuer said as he lifted her from that place of death and darkness.  It is a phrase that beats in the heart of my Father God  for those who have been condemned to death.  It is phrase that I will never forget!   Jesus came to give eternal and full life...this was His mission and I think as He sees the girls that I have come to connect with here, He holds out His hands and constantly says "Little girl, Live!"
You see, that day as I listened to this story...I thought of a the "little girl" in my world that had lost the power to live, feeling abandoned and alone, having no one...no father to love her and it was like God had spoken to my heart as I sat there with tears in my  heart & eyes and said, "Dee, pray that over her!" So I prayed.."Spirit, give Life to her...let her live free for eternity in your arms....and I just prayed more " God, let this little girl live!" The Spirit began working and peeling back years of hurt and walls that she has built up...then it happened!   A couple weeks later she told me she gave her life to God !!!  Can I just tell you that I could have danced all night long!!!  This little girl lives!!!!! Hallelujah! Praise God...death did not win!!!!!!! Life has come to her....no longer is she holding on to the chains of death and the past, but she has chosen life and is learning and wanting to know more about what it means to live as a daughter of God!  I just love that I get to sit back and watch God do this!!  If this "little girl" is all I came to Portage for then it would be so worth it...and yet I ask God for more!  Pray my brothers and sisters for growth and more of Jesus on this "little girl" and pray for LIFE on those who are dead around you!  LIFE OVERCAME DEATH!!!  PRAISE GOD!
In HIM was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome."


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