Meet my sisters...

My 3 Sisters and I Christmas 2013
I grew up in a home of 6 kids. I was #5 and the baby girl!  The beauties in the left  photo are my sisters and I.  When I look at this picture it is hard for me to hold back my smile... & then I think beyond the picture!  I think of the days when we all lived together...shared rooms, moments of anger, moments when we laughed so hard the tears ran down my legs :) I think of how I viewed them being the youngest...I watched their every move, how they did their hair, how they dressed, how they sang...I wanted to be just like them!  I was there when they had their first crushes, when they fell off their bikes and when they got sick...I was watching!  I also think of the struggles they've had. They had to deal with having a sister who is handicapped and maybe did not always get the attention they needed--carrying walkers, putting on leg braces, having to explain me...and yet they did it and I would not be here without their support.  These faces have gone through struggles of abuse, divorce, teen pregnancy, even Christians who condemned instead of loved (with Truth).  Still their strength from walking through this rubble of wrong choices and people's sin against them amazes me.They are my sisters and through the ups and downs of life I am honored to be 'just' the little sister to these ladies! 
Every time I say goodbye to them my heart hurts and on my loneliest of days I wish that they lived close so I could have a visit and coffee.  It was hard to leave them behind and move to Portage, but often when you let go...God fills your hands again.  Though there will never be ladies in my life that are exactly like these 3, there are a couple in my life who have become like sisters to me (through HIS blood & glory)  Let me tell you about them for a few lines.
I prayed that God would give me a friend here that I could connect with and just 'be'...not have to do anything or need anything, but one that would pray and of course drink coffee with me.  One night while attending prayer meeting this beauty of a gal walked in and she began talking about her daughter.  It was like instant connection...and she also works with individuals with special she just gets me!  Often I sit and chat with her and am encouraged and refreshed as she prays and helps me keep my focus on HIM.  This beauty also has an older sister who I have come to love & appreciate  too!  Both these women are mighty women warriors for the King & they have blessed me with their prayers, laughs, kids & freedom to be Dee.  They are gifts from the Father's heart and are two gals that are my Kingdom sisters.  God heard the prayer of my aching heart for my own sisters and gave me not just one, but two friends who remind me of the ways that the King smiles on His daughter.  My sisters are definitely gifts!  Now I can sit and be the voice of a sister to many of my girls & Youth in Portage because of  the example of 3 Stearns sisters and my 2 God-brought sisters!  I am one blessed King's daughter :)

P.S. Many women in my life have brought strength & encouraged me as well...some of you for a moment, some of you for a year or four and some of you for a lifetime.  Please know your love and heart have not been forgotten!  You are a gift keep on passing that gift around...there are more "Dees" out there who need love, joy & reminders of all that the King wants for them.  I release you to go be the gift of Jesus in a life today.


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