When I don't have the answers.

My mind is processing events of my day...it is one of those days that I again was God-placed into a situation where I was like screaming in my heart, "Jesus, just do something!  The burden is not mind to carry however and I am learning that sometimes that just to sit, pray, listen, eat and laugh IS the doing something.  The video is a throwback to my teen years when Casting Crowns first came out, but the story in it of the heart behind this song is so so true!  This is what my day was about...to be Jesus with skin on and now its up to the Spirit to grow that seed.  He is the Savior I am not! 

"The love of her life is drifting away They're losing the fight for another day The life that she's known is falling apart A fatherless home, a child's broken heart You're holding her hand, you're straining for words Your trying to make - sense of it all She's desperate for hope, darkness clouding her view She's looking to you.
Just love her like Jesus, carry her to Him His yoke is easy, His burden is light You don't need the answers to all of life's questions Just know that He loves her and stay by her side Love her like Jesus Love her like Jesus"


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