"So Do You Have a Mom?"

"So Do You have a Mom?"  A question I have never been asked, but yesterday it happened!  This beautiful life that I do shows me every day the things I take for granted.  I see girls and guys every day who have never been held, loved and sung to by their Mom.  Instead, they've been abandoned, taken by CFS, treated as trash or always feeling like their Mom is the child and they are the adult in the house.  Kids whose Mom's have died, or never listen well and compare them to other more "cooperative" children! 

My heart aches...my heart wants to understand, but I don't!  I don't understand that with every "Happy Mother's Day" post on facebook or ever picture of a mom and her child on instagram that it is like a knife that cuts them right in their heart!  I don't understand what it's like not having your Mom let you lick a beater as you bake with her...or to just sit and chat with her over a cup of tea. I don't understand what it's like not to watch someone show you how to serve....how to hug...how to keep house or even how to laugh so hard that you cry!  I don't understand because I had all these things and more in a lady that I call my Mom!

So this post is dedicated to those guys and girls in my life who hurt and feel pain on mother's day!  You are so strong...You are my heroes...You are loved...You can be healed!  Yes, I may not understand, but I will hurt, hug and pray you through!  You are not alone...and I love you! There is hope!  So it's ok to cry, be angry or have questions about why your Mom isn't here...and find those women in your life...friends, grandmas, aunties, mentors who cannot understand...who cannot be YOUR Mom or take her place, but WILL BE there for you! 

And if you do have a Mom...love her, treasure her and respect her...and SPEAK it out to her! 


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