My (Our) Blue & White Invitation

Ephesians 2:13: "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  For HE HIMSELF is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.."

In my bag...I carry this blue and white invitation. No longer do I  have to park far away, but I can be near entrances!    It gets me access to close parking spots and provides a pass that makes shopping a whole lot more fun and saves my energy.  On it is the universal symbol of a person in a wheelchair.  For 24 years, I never had one!  Maybe it was the stubborn...uh...determined spirit in me that didn't want any special favors...or maybe it was the gentle, tough love of those around me who thought I needed to get exercise and walk the distance to the door?  Regardless of the reason, I am not sad about it!  I do appreciate though the "perks" of pulling out this sign. I have been given this "VIP pass" and am no longer at a distance from the door when I pull it out and hang it on the car mirror!  I once was so far away, but now this lovely blue and white invitation gives me what I need to be "brought near" the door!  No more do I have to deal with the barriers, but I am free to enjoy unhindered access! 

I was once far off from God because of my sin...BUT Jesus came, shed His blood and was that "pass" for me.  No more walls between me and God just 100 % free, unhindered access into all He has for me!  Woohoo!  This is big!  Jesus HIMSELF gives me that access...and HE is way better than any old "handicap pass"

I remember too, being at Disney in Florida and waiting for my turn to get on the rides with my family!  It was dreadfully hot and I was in a borrowed wheelchair.  The minute that the Disney workers saw me in a wheelchair, they said that I and "my party" could move on up past the miles of waiting people and go to the front of the line!  I was far off...but because of that old wheelchair...I could be brought near!  The best part was that it was not just me, but my whole family!

This being brought near to God is an invitation...not just for me, but for the people around me!  All are far off and need to be brought near by the blood of Jesus.  It is an invitation to all to me, my family, my friends...the whole world!  I have unhindered accesss to the Father because of Jesus!  HE IS DEFINITELY THE VIP PASS


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