Prayer Letter # 2- Increase My Faith!


January 2012
Dear Family & Friends,
This new year of 2012 has started with some exciting things that God is doing! I have thought a
lot about how this year will mean a lot of changes for me. Though it may be hard. my heart
continues to cry out to my God and ask Him to increase my faith. As you read on, you will see how
HE has been doing this!
Several weeks ago you all received a letter announcing the journey God is leading me on with YFC
in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. This has been a long road & I am still overwhelmed that God has
chosen me to serve Him and impact other's lives for Him as a full-time Female Youth Mentor. I
also have been overwhelmed by those of you who have committed to supporting me through
prayer & finances. Many times over the last weeks there have been many tears, laughs & shouts
of praise to God for how HE has provided in ways that continue to blow me away.
I am THANKFUL . . .
God has confirmed to me over & over again that He is in this whole thing...& I just need to sit
back & let Him lead! I praise God for those individuals /churches who have given to me
already...God is so good! Also, through some very precious friends, God has given to me a
mobility scooter(which will help me be more independent & safe in getting where I need to be) &
also some new forearm crutches!! He is doing above all that I could even ask or think. Yes, I
have so much to be thankful for!
I am ASKING GOD. . .
There are some things that I have been praying for & I would like you to pray with me that God
will answer in His time. Here are some of those things:
• You (my friends & family) will be blessed & your faith/love for God will increase in 2012.
• God will provide the monthly support that I need in order to serve with YFC full-time.
• God will work in hearts now to help me connect/build relationships that point to Jesus.
• That even as I prepare to go I will grow, serve & desire Him more.
Thank you all again for your support & prayers I could not do this without you!
In His love & for His glory,
Deanna Stearns
*If you would like to connect with me/ask questions please call: 902-923-2435 or and
check out my new blog:


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