
Showing posts from 2023

Advent: The Three Comings

  Advent season is almost here. In the last years it has been helpful for my own formation to reflect on the three comings of God. His first being Jesus coming in flesh as a baby. Second, how He comes to us by His Spirit now in our lives and in the world and lastly when He will return as King reigning in justice and compassion—we will see Him face to face.   It is in these 3 comings that I rehear the promise of Emmanuel—God with us. I become more aware and long for His presence even now and feel again the groan with creation for a God who will come finally and make all things right. I haven’t always celebrated advent but for me taking time to reflect and journey through has made my celebration of Christmas deeper and more true. I wait with more anticipation and Hope than before. I understand waiting better and the moments of “joy to the world” seem fuller and richer. If you are done with the hustle and bustle and the stress of the Christmas season, perhaps God would invite you...


This summer I had the joy of visiting with friends that came from afar. I was excited! We arranged a rendezvous spot and a time to meet. Even though we set a time , I always leave room in my life for those unexpected delays. Construction, washroom breaks, slowness of my body are some of those unexpected things that I like to leave room for as much as I like to be prompt and on time. I waited with expectation until the time came when I could see my friends face to face!  This reminds me of how to live in the now and not yet of Jesus’ return. He definitely comes by His Spirit to be with us in the now, but one day —one day my friends He will come physically and we will see Him face to face. He will once for all set things right in His justice and holiness. Our God will dwell with us and us with Him. He wants and longs for us to be ready and waiting for Him. Like a bride waiting for her groom, like a friend waiting to see the face of another friend. Soon it will happen! I am drawn to r...

The Truth (even when it hurts)

  Some years ago I had a friend who I was interested in pursuing a deeper, dating relationship with. I’m not usually so forward with my feelings, but I knew he was a guy that hit many of the characteristics I had prayed for in a spouse. So what did I do? I prayed and prayed, I talked it over with a trusted friend and finally discerned that I would need to initiate a conversation with him that would clarify if he wanted that deeper relationship too.   I was told the truth. He couldn’t date me. We then had a brief awkward conversation about how I maybe had the wrong idea and how he had lead me on emotionally. He left the conversation promising to restore his brotherhood to me and then we left. Phew. Ouch! I cried and I cried, but to this day I am glad someone was able to be truthful enough with me even if it meant I’d be hurt.  To be honest I don’t usually want to have conversations that risk my comfort and my heart so much, but I’d rather live with what is true than live i...

More Than These

  I’ve been sitting in the Scriptures of Jesus before His ascension and before Pentecost. Jesus was sitting on the shore after a fish breakfast. As I reflect on it I can’t get His question to Peter out of my heart. The question is   “Do you love me more than these…?”  Times in my life I remember this question pulling me back to a devoted love of God. It has pulled me away from my family becoming more, my friends becoming more and even my ministry becoming more to me than the love ofJesus Himself. It pulled me towards a deeper love of God, my family and ministry. It has put in me a desire for a deep alignment with heart of God and the things of His kingdom.It seems with this question Jesus was pulling Peter back into love alignment after his denials at the crucifixion and prepared him for his ministry as an apostle in which he would literally give his life for following Jesus. I’m not as uncomfortable with this question as I once was, but I can tell you it still hits me de...

Lent’s Meat

  My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me.” —Jesus It is the fourth week of Lent and I’m listening. Listening for the release from the bondage of religious discipline. Listening for the love that compels me to choose restraint over indulgence. I listen even in the moments when I break my fast in order to feast. Is this whole thing driven by “the shoulds” or guilt ? Is gratitude the thing that is going to drive my inner conversation with God. Why do I even do this?  Lent snuck up on me this year and I didn’t take too much time to be intentional about my fasting choice. I just made a quick decision and went for it and here we are in the middle. Is my fast transforming me more into the image of Christ? I wish I could measure the difference of what this is doing in me, but I can’t other than to notice difference in my digestive system and to recognize that I eat portions of food normally that are way too large!  Fasting is hard. Any type! To choose weakness so we can fea...


  When I was in my early teens there was this show on CTV called “Twice In A Lifetime” Each episode began with someone dying than standing before a judge and they would reveal video clips of moments in the person’s life of joy and of mistake. The person would then see the mistake as the reel of their life was played and an angel would plea on their behalf for a second chance to go back and fix the wrong and get a second chance at living their life. At the end the person would be different and live different than the first as relationships would be made right, mistakes would be recognized and forgiveness given. Though I know the sequence of end of life to be different from the plot of the show there’s something I am processing lately that reminds me of the show. I also am listening to a book through audio that speaks about how God comes in and heals past memories as we open them up to Him. As I contemplate moments of hurt towards me that people are aware of and even of the ones they...


 “ Almost. Almost the winner. Almost there. Almost a leader. Almost a pastor. Almost the best sermon or homily. Almost better. Almost successful in the project or program. Almost done cooking dinner. Almost in labor. Almost done my renovations. Almost to my goal weight. Almost in love. Almost to my wedding day. Almost on vacation. Almost ‘the one’ they love. Almost to retirement. Almost here. Almost never. Almost stuck. Almost angry. Almost dead. Almost alive and almost done. The ‘almosts’ of life roll around in my brain and especially this past year. As this year begins let’s ditch the almosts and accept it for what is real and true. Never forgetting to keep praying, keep hoping and laughing at all the times we ‘almost’ traded in our true selves for what could’ve been fake, a disaster or not participating with God’s Spirit in what could have been our best decision for us. Let’s linger long in the loving gaze of God and make wise decisions based out of clear discernment and what br...