Can you see the 'wells'?

Genesis 21

 19Just then God opened her eyes. She looked. She saw a well of water. She went to it and filled her canteen and gave the boy a long, cool drink.
 (You should read Gen. 21:8-21 to get the whole good!)
Sometimes I feel like Hagar (See Gen.21).  I feel hopeless, rejected, used, thirsty, alone & just wanting to run away. Yes,  I go through these dry, desert/wilderness times.  I just want to cry & give up, but in these times God  shows up just as He did with Hagar.  He knows & sees what's going on...& I don't have to be afraid & I can cling to His plan & purpose.  It makes me wonder though how often do I miss those times when God wants to show Himself because my eyes were too focused on my 'hopless' situation?  God longs to show up & give us the water that will quench our thirst...He longs for us to trust & cling to Him & His promises! But are my eyes blinded to the ways He is working?

My heart's cry this week has been that God would open my eyes to see the "wells" that He has for me in the middle of the dry times...He longs for me to come to Him so that I will be reminded He can satisfy my thirst in the desert.
How about you?  Can you see the 'wells' in your situation...remember God sees you & will provide all you need as you cling to Him.


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