Dear God & Africa, I give you my brother!

"Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters—yes, even one's own self!—can't be my disciple. Anyone who won't shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can't be my disciple."

The above Words of Jesus have hit me hard over the last few days...yesterday I had to "let go" of my little brother & watch him head out on a plane to start his journey on to Uganda, Tanzania & Kenya, AFRICA!!  I am so proud of him & his desire for God and to be used by Him, but it was really hard!!  We are super close & my heart hurt not because I don't support him, not because I don't believe that God is going to use Him, but because I find it so hard to let go.  Yet, God kept speaking to me as if to say...You need to let go...he's in My hands!  So the night/day my brother left I prayed with open hands, "Dear God & Africa I give you my brother..."   I know God is going to do lots with my brother & I am so blessed to be his sister...he is a huge motivator/encouragement to me!!

This made me realize though that this is just the beginning!! In the spring I will have to say goodbye to my parents, 
siblings, church family & close friends---letting go of everyone I depend on!!  Can I do this??  Can I leave it all behind for serving with YFC?  Let me tell you ---It will be HARD, but so worth it!!!!  No matter the cost I am ready to go & give it all!!  I am His disciple & yes it may be hard, but I will get through....God will give me the strength & there is no place I'd rather be than being where HE wants!!  He is my EVERYTHING!

What about you?  If God took you away from everything & everyone you depended on...would you be okay with just doing what He asked you?  My hope & prayer is that we all would truly follow Christ & let NOTHING get in the way!

P.S. Please pray for my brother as he leads his team---AIM EXPEDITIONS 2012! He returns in May 2012!!


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