See ya at the House, Pat!

Yesterday I got word that a dear man of God & one of my supporters went to heaven on Saturday.  He went to sleep only to open his eyes and see the face of Jesus.  So this blog will not be my usual stories about life with my Youth, or something God has been teaching me, but rather a tribute to a quiet, gentle white haired lover of Jesus who is now in heaven.  Though I am sad, I have hope that I will see him again.

I Remember  . . . him pronouncing my name wrong

There were many days I would walk in my church back home in New Glasgow and he would be there with the biggest smile ever saying, "Hi Dana!" Hi Dianne" " Hi Deana" & though he could not always get my name right there was never a time when I didn't feel welcome  in his home or did not feel the warm, kind heart behind that smile.  Pat knew that God knew his name and mine-- that is all that mattered.

I Remember ...his singing

I remember when they first started coming to our church and then he sang and boy could he sing...I mean I wasn't so much into his genre of music, but I remember him singing, "Why Me, Lord?" like nobody else just because I knew it was coming straight from his heart!  He reminded me of George Beverley Shea or maybe Colonol Saunders from KFC?? haha But I loved Pat's heart for music and more importantly songs that told about Jesus.

I Remember...his love for Reta

You know those romantic love stories that happen in the movies...well I got to witness the real thing in the marriage of Pat & Reta Gordon.  I could see it in their eyes when they looked at each other & even in their teasing and joking with each other, I knew that this was a home and marriage built on love!  I heard a story one time that when his beloved Reta was coming home from the hospital after heart surgery that Pat got the call she was on her way home and he waaited by the door watching for her for hours...he would not sit or eat or move from that doorway until his love was home again!  Ahh, I wonder even now if he is not standing in Heaven waiting for her...or maybe his love and adoration for the sight of His Jesus is so overwhelming that it is no comparison?

I Remember...his Giving heart

Pat was a man that gave...gave his heart, gave his money, gave his time, gave it all for the Lord and to others.  He prayed when his own heart needed prayer...took off cowboy ties, boots and records, food and other things just to show he cared.  I remember Pat Gordon for all these things and I only knew him for a few years, but our loss is heaven's gain and to know this man and all he stood for was a gift to my life and a huge now I say, "See ya at the House, Pat!"



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