
Showing posts from 2015

A Youth Workers Version of Exodus 3 &4

The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of teenagers in your community. I have heard them crying out because of their loneliness and pain, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the isolation they experience and to bring them up out of that place into a good and spacious grace-filled community, a place flowing with my goodness and grace. And now the cry of the teenagers has reached me, and I have seen the way their culture is oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to these teenagers to bring them out of this land of oppression.” But Youth Worker said to God, “Who am I, that I should go into the youth culture and bring the teenagers out of their oppression?” And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the teenagers out of their loneliness and pain, you will worship God on this mountain.” Youth Worker said to God, “Suppose I go to the teenagers and say ...

"A Plea to the Church and the Ones Struggling"...a twloha reblog

  By Sara Kellar To the Church : I know you’re trying. You’re trying to help, trying to understand. You’re acknowledging that depression is something that happens. Maybe some of you have even experienced it yourself. Maybe some of you might be experiencing it right now. If you are, I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t told anybody about it. Thank you for all that you’ve done, but please know that there’s still more work to do. It’s time to come alongside. To those struggling : The Church has the best of intentions. It’s trying to help, trying to understand, even if it feels like it’s just…not getting it. Not quite yet. When news of a celebrity suicide breaks, you listen closely for it to be broached in conversation, waiting to see if somebody’s going to be brave enough to talk about it first. During the service, you keep your ears perked for a prayer request for the celebrity’s family. You wait for something, anything… B...

You're going to be okay...


What do you see, Dee?

Recently I was asked to share at our annual Fundraising Banquet and a mission conference at my home church!  Here is what God gave me to share late one night!  He is showing me His heart even in waiting seasons:   2 Corinthians 5:7 says “For we walk by faith not by sight…”   This year with YFC Portage has been one of the most challenging, hardest, best years for me.   I have grown so much in my ministry, but also personally. I wish I could stand up here and tell you how many souls have turned to Jesus, how many students are free of their addictions and how many families are restored because of our efforts and ministry at YFC, but that would not be a REAL telling of what the year has been like.   It would be FAKE and if you all are like my teens…you know fake!   Over and over again when the Drop In is closed, my small groups are over and I make the chilly scooter ride from PCI visits, there is always a question that pops into my heart. It’...

60 years...arrested twice! (The Story of Pastor Jerry Stearns)

Awhile ago I asked my Daddy to sit down and make a video that I could show at our drop in's Supper Club program.  We usually have different pastors, leaders and every day people come and share their stories.  My dad recently turned 60 and I am thankful for the legacy of faith and the man that Jerry Stearns is!  He does a lot of things, but I am most thankful for who he is!  I honor him and am so thankful for the way Jesus is seen in Him!  Praise God for my Dad! He even preaches sitting down! :)

Introducing : "Blessed!"

  Dear Blog Readers, I am telling you of a new small group that we have started on Monday afternoons for Teen/Single Moms!  I am so excited and yet me and my fellow YFC Sister, Jess would appreciate your prayer!  Our first time is today and already there has been some opposition!  During this creative and dreaming process, I have discovered that I don't want to just move ahead to meet a need without  God leading me.  I know myself and often I am motivated by people's need or even wanting to heal hurts in my own heart of how people very close to me have been treated.  This will be for the remainder of the summer, but if it goes well it could continue.  Here is a blurb that we wrote describing it a little more: Mom’s Time Out! “Her children arise, and call her Blessed!”   YFC is starting a teen mom/single mom group on Monday afternoons from 2-3:30pm starting July 20th.   This will take place at Richard a...

Too Busy

Days lately found me being very selfish! Summer is here and with it came some feelings that were not ok, but they are real! In a world where you are defined by what you DO rather than who you ARE...we become people who strive, struggle and feel like they are not enough. Always trying to keep up with her or just wishing that they had the confidence or gifts that she carries within her. Combine all of that with a physically limited body and those lies can become deeply rooted! A few days ago I was sitting thinking and feeling very sorry for seems very selfish to even type this, but can I just declare to the world that I am messed up...and so let me take off my mask,ok?! I was whining to God about how everyone in my life seemed to be too busy to notice me...too busy to need me...too busy to validate and applaud me...too busy to spend time with me! (WHOA! Selfish much?!) I said, "God why is everyone too busy for me?" His gentle Papa voice then whispered..."Oh,b...

My (Our) Blue & White Invitation

Ephesians 2:13: "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  For HE HIMSELF is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.." In my bag...I carry this blue and white invitation. No longer do I  have to park far away, but I can be near entrances!    It gets me access to close parking spots and provides a pass that makes shopping a whole lot more fun and saves my energy.  On it is the universal symbol of a person in a wheelchair.  For 24 years, I never had one!  Maybe it was the stubborn...uh...determined spirit in me that didn't want any special favors...or maybe it was the gentle, tough love of those around me who thought I needed to get exercise and walk the distance to the door?  Regardless of the reason, I am not sad about it!  I do appreciate though the "perks" of pulling out this sign. I have been given this "VI...

Prayer of Resilience

"Dear Lord, Thank you for the challenges in life that help to build my strength. Thank you for the times when my lack of resources reminds me of the value of resourcefulness. Thank you for the mysterious people who confound, frustrate and annoy me, teaching me patience and the art of forgiveness. Thank you for the moments when I am in desperate need of a miracle, and at the very last moment, from an unexpected source, one arrives. Thank you for the difficult path that only I can walk, the challenging problems that you have prepared for me to solve and the purpose that you have for my life. Thank you for the moments of courage that you give me so that I can live a life of meaning, not comfort. Thank you for the moments when I am aware of my many faults, not so that I can wallow in guilt, but so that I can tap into your grace and mercy. Thank you for sending angels to wrestle with me, building my resilience and teaching me to hold on to what is good. I pray that you...

"Closing The Gap :5 Things You Might Not Know About Missionaries "

My Mighty Friend & YFC Sister Twila Erb wrote this and it is so worth sharing!  Even though I am in Canada with YFC, I never want to forget that I am a part of what YFC/YU is doing around the globe!  Twila is a mighty voice on the foreign field so with her permission I post & enjoy! Twila with some of the beautiful faces she loves! Vision Statement Foundational Statements Organizational Structure Accessibility Feedback Who we are Our Purpose Trip Application Form Programs » Student Trips Specialized Trips Custom Trips International Interns International Volunteer Program Training Resources Afro-Dash Careers YFC Canada YFC International   Intern Blogs » Twila’s Blog "Going oversees to serve, or even devoting your life to “full time ministry” right at home, it is something few people understand except those who have walked the same path.  Short term missions tend to gi...

"So Do You Have a Mom?"

"So Do You have a Mom?"  A question I have never been asked, but yesterday it happened!  This beautiful life that I do shows me every day the things I take for granted.  I see girls and guys every day who have never been held, loved and sung to by their Mom.  Instead, they've been abandoned, taken by CFS, treated as trash or always feeling like their Mom is the child and they are the adult in the house.  Kids whose Mom's have died, or never listen well and compare them to other more "cooperative" children!  My heart heart wants to understand, but I don't!  I don't understand that with every "Happy Mother's Day" post on facebook or ever picture of a mom and her child on instagram that it is like a knife that cuts them right in their heart!  I don't understand what it's like not having your Mom let you lick a beater as you bake with her...or to just sit and chat with her over a cup of tea. I don't understand what ...