
Showing posts from 2014

Jesus Understands Me

This morning I was reading Philippians 2, where Jesus did not grasp His glory, but let go of the glories of heaven to become a humble servant.  I read: "who, though he was in  the form of God, did not count equality with God  a thing to be grasped,     but  emptied himself, by taking the form of a  servant  being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human form, he humbled himself by  becoming obedient to the point of death,  even death on a cross. " "...a thing to be grasped" jumped off the page and is forever stamped on my heart.  This tells me that Jesus understood what it means to let go...what it means to give up...what it means to surrender to the Father's plan. I don't even want to pretend that my call to surrender is  the same as Jesus'. He was God and was in heaven, but He left it all for me!!  Whoa! I have been walking through a season though where this passage gives me strength because Jesu...

Red Shoes in my closet!

Recently I received this little tree ornament for my Birthday! To you, it may remind you of "The Wizard of Oz" or even the sad story of "Christmas Shoes"...or maybe not! It does however represent to me a symbol of faith!  For 26 years I have lived in this body...cerebral palsy weakens my knees, muscles and turns in my feet! Oh, but don't feel sorry for day I will put on my red heeled shoes and I will dance! If my Jesus doesn't heal me here on the earth...then in heaven! Healing will happen! It would be so cool to let Jesus have my first dance, don't you think? I am waiting...asking and believing my Healer and this shoe will be a reminder to have hope and faith that Jesus will be the restorer of this maybe...but in heaven for sure!

A "Godless" Generation - Jon Jorgenson | Spoken Word

***Before you watch just gotta know that I do not hate the Church...I just long for more of Jesus personally and in the Church Body as a whole!  Listen to this guy's heart!  Oh that we would become a safe place that walks with people through their struggles (claiming victory through Jesus)! I pray we be more than a carrier of  Bibles,  a follower of a dos and don'ts list,  lovers of empty traditions, but that we earnestly LOVE JESUS and BE HIM to the people around us!


The struggle with beauty is not just a girl's issue...male or female we all want someone to say "You are Beautiful!" So this one is for the men in my life who struggle with their image, confidence and self-worth. Watch this and listen to the words...they tell the heartbeat of our Master Artist!

I scoot for LIFE... I am for LIFE!

This past September 10 was Suicide Prevention Day!  Suicide is an issue that I will gladly stand up against.  Youth I see everyday experience things that bring them to places of hopelessness, darkness & death, but all the more reason to bring them to the Person who is LIFE--Jesus!  It is not an easy road...and many of us fear it!  I know and believe though that the breath in every set of lungs should only be stopped by the One who gives the breath! This is why I scoot for life! She sits in a clinic barely able to process all that has happened!  She is pregnant!  It is inconvenient timing and her partner is not really partnering at they tell her let's extract "the tissue" and move on!  Do they not know that every life starts at the moment of conception?  Do they not know there is a God who knit every cell together!  Every life is precious and I choose to be a voice for the be a voice of healing, hope and love for...

An Escalator & Pride

  A few months ago I stood at the bottom of this terrible thing!  I was with my YFC/YU sister and we were just spending time together...heart sharing, laughing, drinking smoothies...catching up!  I was talking of things I always wanted to do, but never have done!  For you, riding an escalator may be a normal thing, but for me in this weak body it is NOT an easy task!  I spotted it and said, "Let's do it!"  I got up from my scooter chair, put one foot on the bottom of the belt...and grabbed the railing (quickly realizing that in my world I usually grab a railing to stabilize myself,but on an escalator the railing actually MOVES...who would have thought it?!)  Well, as you can imagine my feet went one way and all the while I was grasping the rail...trying to keep my balance!  People were running over to help me and my mighty sister was there saying, "Deanna! Let go of the railing!  I got this I am right here!" as she held out her hand. ...

Where You are is Home!

I recently made a trip back to the east coast for a few weeks of rest. I enjoyed it very much...and then again it is always hard to let go let go of my comfort, my family, my security!  Then after all the tears, hugs, prayers and laughing has passed I sat on the airplane and He whispers to my heart, "Do you love them more than ME?" and with tears streaming down my face and open hands I let them go and again take the hand of my beautiful Jesus! This is my calling...there is no place I'd rather be.  The morning I left Someone prayed over me these words..."Home is not a place....Home is where YOU (Jesus) are!  I am grateful for this time...and I am grateful to be in the place where Jesus has lead me!!  This is HOME!! Me & My 3rd Sister--Kara My Baby Brother--Sandy Nieces & Nephews at the beach...We were missing 3 out of 8 though Dear Friend Visits Wheelchair Adventures with my Oldest Nieces My Oldest sister-- Chrissy ...

Music: The Barrier Breaker & Story Teller

I stood by the couch and just took in the moment!  It was a pretty usual Monday night at the Factory Drop In.  We often pray over the night asking God to break in to conversation, pool games, etc. and prepare our hearts for the night. I love this time...I love our volunteers who come week after week & I love watching God use their gifts and abilities.  This one night was no different except one of our new volunteers carried in her guitar and in an instant there she was singing and playing with a whole group of teenagers sitting at her feet.  They were singing, laughing and making up lyrics without a care or thought of what people would think. The problems of their day, issues at home or with the parents faded as the melody and sound of music filled the room.  This hasn't been the first time in my life where God music to break down is a must in my world.  It definitely makes me cry, laugh and makes me want to dance...especially when it come...

"Table For Nine" Excerpts

On this Saturday Night in my apartment I am overwhelmed and encouraged as I sit and read.  I will never ever forget hearing the story of a mighty woman named Heather Elyse last year!  She has adopted several children as a single lady! She works as a champion for adoption in Haiti!  I love her heart!  Check out her blog:  Here are a couple of excerpts from her blog written from the perspective of two of her beauties: The Night I Met My Father by Mackenzie Elyse and family I will never forget the first day with my adoptive family. My mother told us she was taking us to a fancy restaurant for a “family night.” I remember walking into this classy restaurant and hearing her say, "A table for nine, please.” I was a bit confused, because I counted, and there were only seven adopted kids, plus one single momma. I had heard my new mom was a bit eccentric, so I just thought this was one of her moments.  Shouldn't w...

Living His Wild Dream....2 years later!

Two years ago today I walked on the plane to move to Portage and join YFC!  I cannot believe it and am blown away by all that I have learned and all the gifts that God has put in my life.  I feel honored and completely blessed to be in this place.  A place that may seem small and insignificant to most, but I believe God is here...working in me, working in the community and working in the Youth for His glory!   If you were to ask me to put into words what these two years have been like for me I would say, RISK, FAITH, DEPTH, SURRENDER, VULNERABILITY, BROKENNESS, BEAUTY, FEAR, LOVE, HOMESICKNESS, PROVISION, COMMUNITY, CHANGE, JOY & PRAYER!  These words describe in short most of this journey and I am still at peace knowing that I am living the dream God had for me from all eternity! I do not ever want to forget all God has done in this so I will share a timeline of how this adventure started and how God has been so faithful: January 2011 - Received a Job A...

I Can't Even Walk

I grew up a crazy PK!  And anyone who knows a Pastor knows that sometimes they ask you to do things and you just got to be ready! I was chatting with my Dad and he asked me to make a video of me singing a song for my church back home that has been heard around my house since I was little!  I usually shrink back when I get asked about singing a Southern Gospel song...I pretend I am too cool for it :) BUT  music has always connected me with the Father's heart! No matter what style if done out of a heart of worship can make me weep instantly!  I now understand those moments when my Dad or Gram would be listening to a song and there would be tears running down their faces.  I didn't get it then, but I do now!  Music takes us in to His breaks down walls and reminds us that without Jesus we can't even walk!  So watch this video!  Be blessed and be a blessing!

The Dance of Faith by Joy Chambers

most of you who know me , know that on the inside I love to dance :) I was thinking about dancing with Jesus in heaven earlier this week & it brought back this lovely canvas of words that my Friend from NBBI wrote.  She's got a gift ya'll! hERE ON EARTH AND FOR ALL ETERNITY i WANT TO BE IN STEP WITH jESUS AS WE DANCE THIS LIFE TOGETHER!  kEEP ON DANCING! <3  THE DANCE OF FAITH **Written December 12, 2010**   Step by step, to and fro, round and round this ballroom we go.  The song is soft, my eyes are low, I watch Your feet to see where to go.  One step at a time, we go back and forth, often forward but sometimes I get off track, 2 steps forward, one step back, and so often I trail, as we go on this dance of faith.  Listen close, the lyrics sweet, declaring Your endless love for me.  But sometimes I slip, step on Your toes, lost my rhythm and fall down below.  I ask for a break, "I'll sit this one out.  ...

Even If . . .

Sometimes all we have to hold on to Is what we know is true of who You are So when the heartache hits like a hurricane That could never change who You are And we trust in who You are Even if the healing doesn't come And life falls apart And dreams are still undone You are God You are good Forever faithful One Even if the healing Even if the healing doesn't come Lord we know your ways are not our ways So we set our faith in who You are Even though You reign high above us You tenderly love us We know Your heart And we rest in who You are You're still the Great and Mighty One We trust You always You're working all things for our good We'll sing your praise You are God and we will bless You  As the Good and Faithful One  You are God and we will bless You Even if the healing doesn't come Even if the healing doesn't come                           ...


Picture with me for a minute a room full of heartbroken friends and family as they say their last goodbyes this side of heaven. Then  He says "Her death will not be UNREDEEMED....I know you asked for healing here on this earth, but My glory will be seen in a better way." Picture with me a room full of YFC volunteers and staff as we worship our hearts out singing "I need You o I need You...every hour I need You..." Then my brother slips quietly by my side and asks if he can pray for my healing.  Tears began to flood my eyes as a prayer that has been prayed by me and many others over the years came from his lips.  But oh don't worry even though this girl didn't get up and dance in the middle of worship she dances on the inside as her Father whispers again "This broken body of yours will not be is a  God-glory tool and you, dear daughter have a special place in MY heart. See a third picture with me dear blog reader.  A Thursday aftern...

"I want the leeks & onions, God!"

If you have been around my family when we remember the old silly things I am known for, you would quickly find out that as a wee girl I  would eat onions like an apple!. I know crazy, right?!  While visiting my neighbor one day I crawled right up on her counter and ate her onions!!!  Don't ask me why I did it...and although I like onions still to this day...I cannot and will not repeat that embarrassing moment. This determined pursuit of the onions on the counter has been brought to mind lately. I have been going through a season of complaint, self-pity and wanting life to be easy.  I am not ashamed to admit it...neither am I proud of it, but I am thankful that His grace is sufficient and there are definite ways that the Spirit has been drawing me to lift up my eyes & refocus.  One of those ways has been my reading through the wilderness experiences of God's people-- Israel.  I spent a few days going over Numbers 11 as I saw myself in this chapter i...

Child of God

Father you’re all I need  my soul's sufficiency  my strength when I am weak  the love that carries me  Your arms enfold me  'til I am only  a child of God I am more than just a YFC Youth Worker, a sister, friend...I AM A CHILD OF GOD!  Need this reminder! I need to live everyday out of this identity!  Out of all the titles you could give me I want to be known as nothing less than a daughter of my Heavenly Daddy!! His Presence I can just be me. Nothing more, nothing less!

My YFC Brother's Heart.


My IMPACTing Weekend

This weekend I had the privilege and exciting honor to go as a Youth Leader to  Impact (Youth Retreat at Steinbach Bible College).  There were 11 of us from my church here in Portage. Three leaders and 8 female students. Phew!  I am tired, but also encouraged and reminded of the honor of leading these Youth in my city.  Late nights, early mornings, raw worship, concert of prayer, games, small groups, service projects even a dance party complete with a DJ and light show filled my weekend.  Also, I was encouraged by our speaker and reminded to dream big, and hold on with hope to Jesus who is our Anchor.   Check out this link to a  highlight Video of all that I experienced: . I felt a little nostalgic being on a Bible College Campus again.  All the memories of Teen Retreats at New Brunswick Bible Institute came flooding back and as I sat and watched my girls worship, be excited and have the fire of their heart...


  Ok!  Can I just take off my Superhero cape for a minute and be real?  No shame, just giving you a glimpse into my heart.  *BREATHE* and here it goes... Ex: of "Sun Dog" I saw today IM POSSIBLITY! DIS ABLED!  You look at these words and see a negative, but look closer!  Look real close!  I see Possibility, and ABLE!  I have had a morning where being in this "visible minority group" just really stinks!  My body yawns from exhaustion as I use every last inch of muscle just to move my body out of bed, I jump on my scooter in this crazy Manitoba winter,  and push through the soft, deep snow and get stuck!!!  GRR...I just want to be go without having to stress about clear sidewalks, skinny doorways, whether or not I  can get into a building, how close I am to everything (bathrooms esp.) whether or not there are stairs and if maybe I can be out in public without a stare or a glance of pity.  I have learned most...